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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Home Time

Hmm well it's close to 2 weeks since coming home and It's time to write my final thoughts about my trip. It was an amazing experience, Havening gone for a month I really felt like I began to understand Australia. By that I mean understanding it's people, culture, climate ect but it's only the beginning. I have been living in Canada for all my life and there are still things about it I don't understand, like why the French want to separate, don't understand that.

What do I miss the most, well apart form some of the really cool people I met, dive buddies mostly, i really miss pub squash. See Australia is really like Canada in many ways. We are both colonies of Brittan so we have the same roots. I would say Australia is about half way between Canada and Brittan culturally. Because of this It was very familliar to me not a huge cultural shock. Food was pretty much the same, except for their thick non salty bacon and horrid coffee which is not something to miss. Houses where not that much different, except they had clay tile roofs, interesting but not something to miss. Diving was in a new environment, amazing to behold but miss it, hmm maybe a bit but it really just makes me want to try other different places. Drinks through are a different story, they have a lemon drink called pub squash. It comes in different brand names, Solo being the most popular. It is carbonated lemonade, but not that sickeningly sweet lemonade. It is an insanely refreshing drink on a hot day, probably why it's popular as every day is a hot day. It's the perfect blend of tangy, sour, sweet and bubbly. We had a similar drink in Canada many years ago called Wink. I loved wink, drank tonnes of it, way more than Coke and since it had juice in it i felt mildly better drinking it than other drinks. I wish i could still get it. Oh there is something called Wink Twist, but it's not wink. Oh why Oh why can't North America make one damn pop that's not loaded with sugar, something tangy and refreshing. All im asking for is one product out of hundreds of others, you can tell me there isn't a market for it, I found one.

Anyway my point being is that Australian pop although unbelievably expensive, up to 3.50 AUD for a 600ml bottle in some places, is far superior to our own.


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