Is there anyone out there?
ok well I would have thought that people would be following my adventures. I know some of my friends have to be reading this but you are all suspeciously quite. Ah well I write this more for me than you anyway.
Right now there is a large group of early 20's people watching Tennis on tv. They are into the oddest sports here. I know people like tennis but I had allways thought it was old sophisticated types. There was a guy up in the stands painted up like he was at a football game.
Anyway, poastcards are off and now it's a race to see who gets to canada first. we are flying to sydney tomorow night, heading into Bisbane for the day first. The last to days found us driving leisurly around the sunshine coast (expanse of coast between Brisbane and Frasure Island. There are a lot more people here, everything is built up and the houses are quite impressive. May be because you can swim at the beach here without fear of crocks or jellyfish, water is too cold for them.
Speakin of Crocks yesterday we visited the world famous Australia Zoo, home of the Crocodile Hunter. Oh my to say this zoo has been commercialized is a huge understatement. There is the Animal Planet Crockoseam, A giant Colloseam for live animal shows. Each crockodile pen has bleacher seating around it to view the daily feedings. And, last but not least there are enought immages of Steve Irwen around the place to make you think he has come back from the dead, it's a little sad really. The zoo however is top notch, good enclosures, lots of animals and you can really get close to some of them. The Kangaroo pen was freely explorable and you could walk up to pet and feed any one of them. Also peted a kaola. It was a cool place but at $50 admission is a bit pricey.
Today we went on a hike in the Glass House mountains a series of old volcano lava tubes that now have ben exposed due to erosion of the limestone around them. Stunning to look at but unfortunatly they are quite tall and steep so we where only able to walk around them not summit any one of them. Oh well theres allways the Blue mountains in sydney.
My time is about up on the comp here so I will leave for another day.
Right now there is a large group of early 20's people watching Tennis on tv. They are into the oddest sports here. I know people like tennis but I had allways thought it was old sophisticated types. There was a guy up in the stands painted up like he was at a football game.
Anyway, poastcards are off and now it's a race to see who gets to canada first. we are flying to sydney tomorow night, heading into Bisbane for the day first. The last to days found us driving leisurly around the sunshine coast (expanse of coast between Brisbane and Frasure Island. There are a lot more people here, everything is built up and the houses are quite impressive. May be because you can swim at the beach here without fear of crocks or jellyfish, water is too cold for them.
Speakin of Crocks yesterday we visited the world famous Australia Zoo, home of the Crocodile Hunter. Oh my to say this zoo has been commercialized is a huge understatement. There is the Animal Planet Crockoseam, A giant Colloseam for live animal shows. Each crockodile pen has bleacher seating around it to view the daily feedings. And, last but not least there are enought immages of Steve Irwen around the place to make you think he has come back from the dead, it's a little sad really. The zoo however is top notch, good enclosures, lots of animals and you can really get close to some of them. The Kangaroo pen was freely explorable and you could walk up to pet and feed any one of them. Also peted a kaola. It was a cool place but at $50 admission is a bit pricey.
Today we went on a hike in the Glass House mountains a series of old volcano lava tubes that now have ben exposed due to erosion of the limestone around them. Stunning to look at but unfortunatly they are quite tall and steep so we where only able to walk around them not summit any one of them. Oh well theres allways the Blue mountains in sydney.
My time is about up on the comp here so I will leave for another day.
I'm reading! Not quite caught up yet, though.
Anonymous, at 3:38 p.m.
some, I knew some peopel where, they are just shy.
Hear my moms following along too.
Shawn Penson, at 4:27 a.m.
I'm reading, dammit! (Well, just started). Need to get in touch with you - were headed your way in early april...
Anonymous, at 9:39 a.m.
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