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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Aussie Moot Day near the end, 12 i think, im loosing the concept of time by this point.

Ok so the expidition is over and I have done my gold activity. Now is the period with lots of time on site. I came as staff and it's time to do staff things. For the last 2 days I have been running the Caves. They built an artificial cave on site here, not for the moot it was here before the moot. Cataract scout park is an amazing facitily here in the bush. Tonnes of factilities for camping. It was almost made for huge long camps. there are 10 large, very large, 100 tents + large sites. Each of which has full washroom and laundry facitities. There is also about 10 general perpous buildings and a scouring museam. Built in on site activities include a high ropes course, cave, giant swing, kick ass obstical course, archary range and a water slide (a big one too, waterpark class). It also has Funnel Webs, Red backs, Brown snakes and Drop Bears. Ya it's an interesting place liveing for 2 weeks in an area containg some of the most toxit animals in the world. Can't wait untill I get up to queensland, yay Box Jellyfish.

Last night was Contingent night at the moot. Each of the groups here put on a 5 min show. We lipsynched a nice little canadian number, The king of spain by Moxy Fruvous. I was the king of spain as I had 2 attendents. We danced and acted out the song and I was well received by the people I talked to. Of they could have just been being nice.

I have been useing my internet time over the past few days to search for sutibel accomidation post moot. The search was slow and annoying as all the hotells in sydney are fairly pricey and due to travel requirements we did not want to hostel it at this time. Then a few people put me on to some web sites. I never knew this but hotells that are not booked out dramaticly reduce their rates in order to clear the vacancies, a little money is better than no money i guess. These deals can be found on some websites and after looking at these I managed to save 50% on a nice hotell room for 2 days. Located right in the center of the city beside central station.
  • tripadvisor.com - is a good site with reviews of all accomidations so you can check out what people think of them. It also has a search funcion to list accomidations based on Rates, types and locations
  • Wotif - Great way to find amazing deals on hoels. This is where i found mine. Info is not that geat on the site so you need to find more about the hotell somewhere else.
  • Rates to Go - Another good deal seaching site, this one has more info on the hotels but is a bit harder to seach. Wotif just shows you all days for 2 weeks for each hotell and what is avalibel while for this one you need to specify your travel dates.
  • Last Minute com - this is a good one too, covers more than hotells but i prever the prevous 2.

Well that's it for now. Tomorow is the last full day then i head to the city to meet up with geneva who flys in on the 13th. Ill try to get one more entry before We hit Cape tribulation on the 14th.


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