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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, January 07, 2008

Aussie Moot Day 9

2 poasts in one day, well it's 12:07 so that is technically the next day but screw that technicality. What did I do today you may ask, or you may not care in which case you can Take Off. I went horse back riding. We are each allowed one gold activity and as I was looking down the list I realized I have done each of these at least once before, except horse back riding that is. Oh sure I had one lesson from a friends ex at one time but that was not much more than running around a barn. The ride was great, we went all over the country side and the horse did all the work, I didn't even need to navigate cause they are trained to follow. It's really a beautifull country. That being said when they run you get thrown up and down in the saddle something fearce. My ass really hurts right now. Next time I ride with a pillow.

Tonight is Aussie night at the Pub/Dance Place. They had an band come in and we had a bush party. It's like a canadian Kitchen party only replace the maritime theme with more of a western theme. There was dancing and singing and i didn't know any of the songs except the land down under. The more I stay here the more I see just how alike we are. Canadians and Australians could be cousins, well I guess we are in a way all being members of the commonwelth. Aside from a slight change in the names of things you could go from one courntry to the other an not miss a beat, except the 30 degree change in temperature.

Just remember:
Flip Flops are called Thongs
Thongs are also called Thongs so you can see my confusion.
A Dunny is a Toilet
They drink Cordial instead of Kool-aid
And they play some game called Cricket. That game from hitchikers guide to the Galixy. apparently the games can last up to 5 days. immagine a baseball game that runs 7 hours a day for 5 days. And get this, there is not even any ice involved. Crazy aussies.

Contingent night is in 2 days and the girls decided we are lip syncing to Moxy Fruvous's the King of Spain. Guess what part I was voulinteered for.


  • Can an Easterner enlighten the West-coaster - what is a Kitchen Party?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:47 a.m.  

  • well It's hard to wxpalin if you have never seen one. It used to take place in the kitchen but it's generaly moved to larger venues or outside or wherever. You have some guys sitting in the corner playing some musci. Some dancing, some drinking. Think of what would happen if Great Big Sea came and played in your back yard. I guess that's kind of like it.


    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 5:28 p.m.  

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