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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's Hot, Africa Hot

When I was at the moot I had unlimited internet access but now that Geneva and I are on the move it's a bit harder to check my emails and even more difficul to write a blog entry. Let's see what I can say before my internet card runs out.

After the moot I went to Sydney and waited for Genevas arrival. She arrived and we flew up to Cairns the next day. Oh man I thought Sydney was hot but Cairns is something else. Several throusand km to the north right in the tropics of Australia. When we arrived we rented a car and started our 2 hour drive to cape tribulation, after a short shopping spree that is for an esky(cooler) and food.

When we got neer the cape the geography changed quite a bit. Dantree National park is like a little micro climet. All of a sudden we where in a tropical rain forest like something you see out of national Geographic, not what I expected of australia at all. Oh and we throught Cairns was hot. Nothing prepared me for the intense heat and humidity of the cape. When you come out of the shower and can't dry off because you are sweating too much that's Africa Hot. I can't even guess the temperature but it had to be near 40 and as humid as it could possably be.

What did we do there. Day 1 we went on a guided hike through the rain forest in the morning. If I was in canada I would just find a hiking trail and go off but since I know nothing about the rainforest I througt my first ventrue into it would be enhanced by a knowledgable guide. It was an awesome hike and I learned a tonn of stuff. The cap trib area has the oldest rainforests in the world. Some species of trees where thought to be exctinct 40 million year ago untill a farmaer chopped a bunch down to stop his cows from being poisoned. There a plants there that predate ferns. That after noon we walked along the beach, went for a swim in the local swimming hole and went on a hike through a mangrove swamp. For dinner we went to this nice resterant called Dragonfly. It was located deep in the rainforest and made for the most unique of eating establishments. I had some the the best prawns I have ever had in my life and the setting made it all the better.

Next day we started off with a bit of sea kayaking across some of the reefs in the area. The jellyfish are in season and the crocks our out of the rivers hunting for mates so it's not really safe to swim. The kayaking was awesome, cool pictures to come. After kayaking we picked up a cocunut off the beach, there where hundreds of trees. The tour guide came backe and opened it with a machettie. Fresh cocanut milk, right of a tree fresh, is actualy a bit sparkeling, like pop or champaign. It was so ammazingly tasty I will never be able to eat a store bought one again. Add in a few fresh picked passion fruit and it made for an awesome lunch. In the after noon we went on a river cruse to see some crocks. Unfortunatly they seemed to be a bit shy but we did see a lot of mangroves and the tour guide was very knowlagable. It was an ok cruise but i really wanted to see some crocs. Dinner that night was Kraft dinner and tuna with Brocolii.

2 min of comp time left. the next day we left the cape for a 2 day trip south to arlie beach where we are now. Ill write about that later, needless to say there are a lot of suggar cane plantations around here and the climate changes a lot, very quickly on the way south.

Ta ta for now.


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