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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Aussie Moot Day 1

The flight in yesterday was long, very long. I think all things accouted for i was traveling for 24 hours and only got about 3h of sleep in there. I stayed up as late as i possably could to combat the Jet Lag and I seem pretty good now. It's 7 here midnight back home and we are going to be celebrating new years soon. Of couse it wont be new years in canada for a full day still but people are here from all over the world so you have to celebrate for everyone.

We stoped in Fiji for 4 hours. We flew over the island at night but the sun was rising just as we where landing. It was odd cause there where little to no light at night. Very different from flying over vancouver or any other major population centre. Fiji was very green, a different type of green than im used to. All the plants where jsut intensly green, it's difficult to explain, you will jsut have to see it. I hope my pictures will come out well.

Southern Australia is hot, not Africa hot but hot. It's like a really bad hot day in southern ontario only without the humidity. At night it gets pretty nice. long sleev shirt and pants weather. All the people I have meet are wonderfull and kind. The Australians are very warm hosts. I have a lot to say but im very hot and tired right now, I need a shower cause i have been drinking water all day in large quatities and it has all come out as sweat. I got a sunburn on the back of my legs, I have never burned that part of my legs befor probably why I didn't put sunscreen there. Wish i could poast some pictures but I don't have my transfer cable. You will have to wait.

P.S. Vegimite is pure concentrated evil

Also this termanal does not run firefox so there is no spell checker. Have fun decripting my errors.


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