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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Friday, February 22, 2008

Well that's just Prime

Ok the long awaited keyboard I have been wanting for years is finally on sale. The Optimus keyboard. Each key on the keyboard is an organic LED display 48x48 pixels big allowing compleat customization that would make the G15 shake in it's boots. Now if I only had $1500 to buy it. From the reviews i have read apparently it's a little hard to type on, not advisable for sechritaries and novelists but that's not really what it's for. It's for custom program templates, Photoshop keys or gamers to keep track of all those different hot keys easier. Now which button activated my long range trasponder again, was it j or k? well now you just look at the picture. I can see 1 think wrong with this, the only people who could afford this, the big hardcore gamers who compete for thousands of dollars in prizes in the pro gaming circuit would never take the time in a game to look down. That would waist precious seconds that are being used by your enemy to line you up in his sniper scope. People like me who can't be bothered to take the time to memorize every Warcraft 3 hot key would never be able to afford the price tag.

Dam you, guess it will go down in price in 5 years, at least i hoep.


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