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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve and All is Well

It's been 10 days since I passed my comps and i guess it's time to write something. I have still been quite busy as a lot has been going on. See I am going to Australia for a month and i leave on Dec 28th. Crazy, I had to do a bunch of shopping and packing before i flew home for Christmas.

I will be at Aussie Moot for the first 2 weeks then Geneva is flying in and we will be touring the coast for 3 more weeks. 1/12 of the year on vacation, does that seem like a lot to you cause it does to me. I have never been outside of north America and even then It's only been a few trips to the states. Canada is big, the trips I have taken in my home country would be equivalent to probably seeing every country in Europe, distance wise, but it still leave me a bit hollow. I really need this chance to travel, even if it will set my thesis back for a month.

Tentative schedule is something like this.

Dec30-Jan 12 : Aussiemoot This includes 4 days of scuba diving im really looking forward to.
Jan 13 - Geneva flys in and the next day we fly to Cairns.
Jan 14- 17 - Exploring the rainforests in the north of Australia, Camping as much as possible. Most of the time will be spent around Cape Tribulation We will also be stopping off a few places as we travel south to our next important stop
Jan 18-21 - Arlie beach. This is the relaxing tropical resort part of our stay. Sailing and tours of the islands and reefs. maybe a bit more diving in the more tropical waters.
Jan 22-27 - travel south along the coast. not sure what we are going to do. Thinking about seeing fraser island. Got's to go to the Australia zoo (thanks for mentioning that Darryl) and a few days in Brisbane to end it all off
Jan 28-30 - Flying back to Sydney it's time to see the sights of the big city. The Sydney Aquarium is on the schedule as well as some big market i cant remember the name of. Probably some sovineer and gift shopping here too.
Feb 1 fly home.

It's a simple plan with lots of room for adjustment. Except for the things we have to book ahead of time it will mostly be kind of on the fly. I will try to blog our progress whenever we get a chance to stop at an internet cafe or hotel lobby. Until then Merry Christmas and see you in Feb when i think i will have a significant update to my websites photo album.


  • For those of you not in the know, Dec-Jan is Australia's big summer holiday. School's out for summer, families are on vacation, and like here, Australia Day takes place in their summer too, on Jan 26. Since we'll probably be in Brisbane, we might have a chance to see The Cockroach Racing World Championsips that day. Ooo I can feel my skin crawling with... anticipation... already!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:36 p.m.  

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