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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Past Week (or 2)

Ok so i have ment to update more often and i have not. In my defense i have been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. My Druid is almost level 30 and i want to get there so i can get travel form so I can travel faster and Tranquility because it was my favorite power form Warcraft 3. That's my reasoning and im sticking to it. My Guild "The Sodality of the Constant" on the Dranor server is the best i have ever seen.
  • We have our own website with a forum.
  • We have Photo hosting for all our guilds screenshots.
  • We run a teamspeak server for metter communication.
  • People are allways giving away free items, and enchantments.
  • We group alot and run lots of raids.
  • Way more active than the other guilds i am in
Check out our guild site

I have some Screen shots posted in the photo section (get there though the forum) you can also check out the progress of my main character here
I still need to update my profile.

Anyway i am planning on Updating my website after im done here. I have a lot of pictures i want to put up. I went out for internet coordinator of the Aqua Socitey ( the UBC dive club ) however the guy i went up agains actually developed a sample flash webpage and his mother is a web page designer. i had no chance. I voulenteered to help him maintain the club page though. It is a big job. It contains all club info on dives, prices and courses. concidering the club runs a fully operational dive shop, the web page is very important and will require several people to mantain. i was really looking forward to those free rental though. ah well, Check out my page in the next coupel of days to see my photos.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Night Dive

SO i wnt scuba diving last night. I think night doves are some of my favorite dives. There is something invigorating about swimming around in a compleatly black enviornment with ouly a single light to illuminate the way. That being said my dive light is powerfull enough to make the forest seem like day in it's immedate vicinity but light does nto go nearly so far under water. I saw some huge shrimp atleast 25 cm long probably more. Not sure if there call prawn when there that big or not. Im not really sure what the differenc ebetween shrimp and prawn even is.

I went down to a maximum depth of 31.4m. I love my new dive computer, now i can finaly use metric like a normal civalized person. The dive lasted 35 min and if you know your tables you will undrstand why i like finaly haveing a dive computer, ie according to a dive table i should be in the hospital now.

I seal ran by us at the end of the dive. That is quite a startiling thing to have happen. When a large animal comes out of the blackness right at you, it can make you a little jumpy. Definatly sucked down a bit more air at that point.

I had 900 psi or air left at the end of my dive. Concidering the depth and time that is very good for me. Im realy starting to get good at controlling my air. Still need some mroe work on my boyancy though. Had a bit of trouble although there where a lot of depth changes going on in the dive and it had been a while since my last dive.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Apple, Captains of innovation world wide

I just had to link this slash dot story.

"Always the innovator, Apple is rumored to be developing a two-button mouse!

What will be next, Interchangabel components? Someone must stop the insanity!

Monday, March 14, 2005

The Greate iPod debate

Ok so lately i have been concidering buying an MP3 player. I have been looking at the big ones on the market and it seems like 2 lines jump out. The 2 big guns right now are the iPod and the Creative Nomad Zen. Now most of the people in my lab are mac and ipod fanatics so there opinions are a bit biased. I have however after seeing severl of them in action changed my opinion from dislike to indifferent about them. Creative however has been my choince of sound card for my entire life and i have never been disapointed with the quality of their products. I have been looking ar revies on the web and have compiled a list of the pros for each device.

Creative Nomad
  • Sound quality superior to that of iPod but it comes with crappy headphones so you have to buy good ones to make it worth while.
  • Longer battery life.
  • 4 band graphics equilizar and EAX enhancements
  • Tougher and more resistant to breaking.
  • Plays MP3, WAV, WMA(although i dont know why you would want that)
  • Better interface with PC
  • Cheeper
  • I have to admit it looks nicer and peopel think more highly of it.
  • smaller and lighter than nomad and HD is a bit quieter.
  • Better user interface, easier to use.
  • Plays MP3, WAV and some strange apple format i cant use on my pc anyway.
  • Better Mac Interface
They can both be used as portable hard drives (as long as you fromat the iPod for windows) and they both require special software. Neither is simply plud and play. I love this guys reviews on a mac website, he basicly admits the nomad is a superior product but still uses his iPod so his friends wont laugh at him for not haveing an iPod.
Good Real world comparison

It's like beta vs VHS alover again. A superior product seems to be swamped out dew to great markiting on the otehrs part. And i have to admit mad as great markiting for the iPod.

here is a more impartial comparison

of course the review if from a few years ago when the two players wehre introduced. since then they have been vastly upgraded. The iPod colour is out and it is compeating with the Nomad Zen Xtra. again mack try to make it's ipod look nicer with a color screen and photo options while Creative made the interface more user friedly biggere screen and better controls and increase its storage size.
Here are seperate revies of each Zen Xtra, iPod Photo

So right now im leaning towards the Zen Xtra. I would rather have something a little bigger and heaver that has better sound quality and longer battery life. Do you guys have any opinions. Which do you find better and why?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Fed-Ex : Sipping hazerdus biological agents for over 20 years!

So say I was a scientist working on some potentioaly dangerous form of.......lets say Anthrax for example. Now I want to get a sampel of this class 3 contagon to a friend, maby a nother lab doing research. How exactly would i get it there? I think this is an interesting question because apparently someone in Winnipeg, Manitoba thinks Fed-Ex is the best way to do this.

Truck carrying anthrax involved in crash

This reminded me of the time i was working for UPS and we discovered that we where shipping shot gun primer shells. Now they said they where empty but why would a ammuniton companny ship empty primers. Now these are not to be confused with shells. Some people like to fill their own shot gun shells, because apparently the store bought ones dont kill well enough. These are the primers, the little metal buttons in the center that detonate when hit to set off the gunpowder in the shell. Yes thats right they are shock sensitive and we where throwing boxes of them around while loading the truck.

The moral of this story is never put your return address on a package when shipping drugs through the mail.