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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Update 23.45.25FAB1

Amber prompted me to write an email update to some of my friends telling them what i have been doing when i realized that's what my blog is for.

As for me im trying to finish up my thesis proposal. strange thing to be doing this far into my phd but they really don't pay too much attention around here. My supervisor is notorious for making people go over things again and again and again before the final draft. Im on my 4th or 5th iteration now. I'm TA'ing the summer engineering physics robotics course, looks like it's going to be awesome. I already know what this years challenge is going to be but i can't say anything until it's officially announced. The students are given a challenge and are put into teams. they then have the summer to build a microprocessor controlled, fully automated robot to do the job. Last year they had to build one that would play operation on a very large scale. There is a new water jet cutting system installed so i can't wait to play with that. I may have to test it by cutting out an autobot symbol for my truck out of Cr.

On the Geek out front, we are doing some awesomely geeky things this summer as may of you already know. PAX is coming up at the end of the summer and we have 4 confirmed attendants. It's gonna be a kick ass, time and get ready for all the swag. There is the awesome concert coming up. Video Games Live, playing in October in Vancouver that many will be attending. Next weekend Genvea and I will be going down to Seattle to see a Jonathan Coulton concert. Awesome folk geek rocker. If you have never hear his stuff then you have never played portal and that is a blemish that must be fixed. My favorite songs are skull crusher mountain, code monkey, future soon, furry lobster, RE: your brains, and of course still alive. Also check out his cover of baby got back.

On the WoW front, I too am a guild officer but I have been good friends with the guild leader since we where 13 so it's really a form of nepotism rather than through my 1337 skillz. My driud is level 64, just entered the Zangermarsh, pretty cool place, lots of interesting monsters and some of them you can skin with herbalism, tonnes of awesome stuff has been attained from that. My guild needs another tank so im trying to get to 70 asap to help them out. we are a more causal guild and are not interested in much beyond playing around in Kara and doing some heroics. I do love the versatility of the Druid. Ran Hellfire ramparts 5 times, once as DPS, twice as a Tank and twice as a Healer. 3 Completely different rolls all in the same character, no other class can do that. Too bad that damn druid staff didn't drop once out of the 10 items that cam out of that chest. Ive also been getting into a bit of PVP. Geneva and I are level 29 and have been doing some arathi basin runs to get some cool loot but the alliance looses 7 of every 8 battles so it goes slow. This did however prompt me to start doing some PVP with my Hord warlock, much more fun when you win on a regular basis. Warlocks are awesome at PVP, jsut throw dot's on everything in sight and run while everything dies around you. Great way to rack up honorable kills although im not sure how Cursing a person and running away until they die is honorable but i'm not going to complain.

Im going to be moving out of SJC at the end of the next month. I really need to start looking for a place so i don't get left with crap. Im going to miss this place, so many good memories. As there are several ex SJC people on this list, any advice on coping?

Oh and one last thing. Dreamworks is making a Ghost in the Shell movie. http://www.variety.com/VR1117984029.html


  • That reminds me, I should really play Portal sometime and finally see what all the fuss is about.

    By Blogger Geneva, at 3:19 p.m.  

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