The Past Week (or 2)
Ok so i have ment to update more often and i have not. In my defense i have been playing a lot of World of Warcraft. My Druid is almost level 30 and i want to get there so i can get travel form so I can travel faster and Tranquility because it was my favorite power form Warcraft 3. That's my reasoning and im sticking to it. My Guild "The Sodality of the Constant" on the Dranor server is the best i have ever seen.
I have some Screen shots posted in the photo section (get there though the forum) you can also check out the progress of my main character here
I still need to update my profile.
Anyway i am planning on Updating my website after im done here. I have a lot of pictures i want to put up. I went out for internet coordinator of the Aqua Socitey ( the UBC dive club ) however the guy i went up agains actually developed a sample flash webpage and his mother is a web page designer. i had no chance. I voulenteered to help him maintain the club page though. It is a big job. It contains all club info on dives, prices and courses. concidering the club runs a fully operational dive shop, the web page is very important and will require several people to mantain. i was really looking forward to those free rental though. ah well, Check out my page in the next coupel of days to see my photos.
- We have our own website with a forum.
- We have Photo hosting for all our guilds screenshots.
- We run a teamspeak server for metter communication.
- People are allways giving away free items, and enchantments.
- We group alot and run lots of raids.
- Way more active than the other guilds i am in
I have some Screen shots posted in the photo section (get there though the forum) you can also check out the progress of my main character here
I still need to update my profile.
Anyway i am planning on Updating my website after im done here. I have a lot of pictures i want to put up. I went out for internet coordinator of the Aqua Socitey ( the UBC dive club ) however the guy i went up agains actually developed a sample flash webpage and his mother is a web page designer. i had no chance. I voulenteered to help him maintain the club page though. It is a big job. It contains all club info on dives, prices and courses. concidering the club runs a fully operational dive shop, the web page is very important and will require several people to mantain. i was really looking forward to those free rental though. ah well, Check out my page in the next coupel of days to see my photos.
Neat site Shawn!
Erwin, at 3:37 a.m.
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