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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Haloween day dive

So every year we carve pumpkins underwater to celebrate halloween. It is a greate event and realy test you air usage and dextarity in thick glovs. The 8 degree water really helps keep the pumpkin fresh. later on in the day one of the intructors that was doing a divemaster course asked for my help. I was supposed to get lost and wait to be rescued by one of the students. I had jsut finished a short dive and had 2/3 of a tank left so i though lets do this. Now after being down for 35 min (plus the hour i had already been in) i was beginning to get a little cold, i could not feel my feet. I gave my buddy the signal and we surfaced only to find out that they gave up looking for me 20 min ago and had someone else do it quickly. Apparently the person telling them ware to search gave the wrong location ( im really good at gettin lost).

Everybody has carved a pumpkin before but try doing it under water. We had our annual Haloween pumpkin carving dive yester. It was the most fun i ve ever had carving a pumpkin. even the basic model I carved seen here held by my dive buddy was very difficul to do. The biggeset difficulty is that pumpkins float and that rock weighting it down was a bitch to carve around. Posted by Hello

Friday, October 29, 2004

New Plans

Well the photo thing did not work, i would have to put up each one individually one poast at a time and i have over 100 photos i want to put up so sucks to that. I have decided to use my physics server account space to create my very own web site. I have a peice of software that generates HTML code for online photoalbums so i will just host the picture myself. Don't know how long it will take to make but I have needed a personal web page for a long time. I am learning HTML and web design so i should have something rudimentary soon.

I am really going to try to write something here every day, we will see how long that lasts, knowing me i give it a week tops.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

We are up and running

All right i created this site to host my pictures so i hope this works. I may actually keep this blog updated from now on, only time will tell.