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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Haloween day dive

So every year we carve pumpkins underwater to celebrate halloween. It is a greate event and realy test you air usage and dextarity in thick glovs. The 8 degree water really helps keep the pumpkin fresh. later on in the day one of the intructors that was doing a divemaster course asked for my help. I was supposed to get lost and wait to be rescued by one of the students. I had jsut finished a short dive and had 2/3 of a tank left so i though lets do this. Now after being down for 35 min (plus the hour i had already been in) i was beginning to get a little cold, i could not feel my feet. I gave my buddy the signal and we surfaced only to find out that they gave up looking for me 20 min ago and had someone else do it quickly. Apparently the person telling them ware to search gave the wrong location ( im really good at gettin lost).


  • Underwater punpkin carving? Nice. I've never been diving but I'll have to tell my grandparents about that. They do.

    By Blogger Loren Teryl, at 10:55 a.m.  

  • i have to calculate the theoretical x ray diffraction peaks of Yttrium Oxide. It has a 64 atom unit cell.

    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 8:30 p.m.  

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