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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's Big, It's Orange and it's Awesome

The time for work has ended, the time for fun begins for the Orange Box is here.

5 games in one package. $45 dollars for an unimaginable number of hours of fun (measured in fun dollars per hour FDPH). Team fortress was an amazing game i used to play far too much and it was worth pre-ordering the box just to get to play Team Fortress 2 a week early. Want to know about it well just Google the 50 articles already written about it on the web cause i don't have time to repeat them all here. The real gem of this box so far is Portal. Now the game has only been out for 12 hours and i just played for an hour last night when it was unlocked on my steam account at 12. All i can say is it's freaking sweat. It's a 3D first person puzzle game. You have a gun that allows you to lift heavy objects and open a 2 way portal on any flat surface. Those two things can be used in ways that are hard to imagine at first. Let me discuss an example and then ill let you play it on your own cause you will want to.

You are in a tall room with a barrier halfway up the middle. In another room is a short drop to a floor below but nothing else. how do you get across? Throw yourself with gravity. place a portal high up on the back wall then go to the room with the small drop. place a portal on the floor and jump in. You will gain speed falling and when you enter the portal momentum is conserved throwing you partially across the room as you exit the portal up high on the wall. You don't get thrown far enough however so as you are falling in the room you calculate where you are going to land and put an opening there. As you enter the portal again you have built up even more speed from the high fall and when you come out the portal on the wall this time you get thrown across the room and over the barrier. i jumped out of my chair when i finally pulled that one off.

That creepy computer voice gets ominous during the game. I just know it's up to no good. I imagine there is a very nasty surprise waiting for me when i finish the tutorial levels. They say i'm going to get cake but i have a feeling this technology is top secret and they don't want their research subjects talking afterwards.

So now Xbox 360 people can rejoice for Halflife 2 can be yours and all other games will seem insignificant next to it's sheer awesomeness. I had to have my memories altered so that i could enjoy other games again after I played it.

Finished portal. My guesses where partially correct and partially wrong. I am not going to reveal the ending, just know it is an awesome game. I loved every min of it and the ending theme is something that has to be heard. One of the best themes i have ever heard. It was composed by Jonathan Coulton a geek folk rock singer, he has com awesome stuff too.



  • I hope there is cake at the end. Or a nice fruit tart.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:02 p.m.  

  • Tasty tasty murder. I mean cake.

    username: cjohnson
    password: tier3

    By Blogger frank, at 3:13 p.m.  

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