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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Friday, August 31, 2007

Saw This Comeing

Well speaking of the MMO contest again one of the things I won was a Beta spot for the the auto assault MMO. It's a dystopian future game where people in gun wielding cars rule the earth. You would think it would be fun but in actuality it sucked horribly. The controls where crap. The graphics where unimpressive. It was difficult to figure out what exactly you where supposed to do. when you walked around your guy acted like they where still driving. I could go on and on but in the end i played it 5 or 6 times and then just stopped. Now it was in beta so they where still trying to fix up the bugs and it had a good premise but the entire way it was implemented was bad, there is only so much you can change in Beta.

This does not surprise me one bit.


  • Hey... just wondering, is this Exiton? From my guild in Wow? I've been trying to get in touch with people from the guild and noticed that its pretty much gone on the armory and the website is gone.. what happened? You can visit my blog or email me to tell me! If this is not you, sorry!

    By Blogger joen05, at 10:23 p.m.  

  • Ya this is Exiton. which guild, TPK?

    I had to take a bit of a break from WoW, too much work and when i got back most in TPK had left. I think there was just not enough interest. some of the high levels went to join raiding guilds. My friend made his own, not to many of us in it but we are all friends there. MSG me in game.

    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 11:32 a.m.  

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