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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Friday, August 03, 2007

Computer problem found

I have been trying one thing after another in my attempts to track down the source of my computer problems. This has not been easy as i have not had a lot of free time.

1. I ran the maxtor/segate hard drive diagnostic software. It ran fine to 95% then encounter 5 errors and crashed at around 98%
2. Tried booting the latest version of knoppix. It would not boot into graphics mode even though an older version did. Text mode was fine. Very odd
3. put in a hard i borrowed from the lab (seagate 160gb sata drive) installed windows, everything works fine. let the comp idle, no problems.

Well it certainly points to HD problems. But it could also be the data on the HD, corrupted windows or a virus. Ever since i first put the comp together it had an odd quirk. I could not do a soft boot. the only way the computer would start is from a complete shutdown. It would always get past the bios tests and hang on the boot up. never figured out what piece of hardware was causing this but as my comp runs so smooth with the seagate in it I am suspecting It may have been the HD. Haven't tested the soft boot yet though.

So no do I do an RMA and have my warranty get me a new one or do i change brands buy something different. HD's are so cheep, getting something newer may just be the better choice. It's a moot point if my HD is not under warranty anymore.


  • I would always cash in on the warranty, if available, and then use the replacement as a second drive. Here's the thing though. The company ill have modelled up since you bought it, so you get LKQ, like/kind/quality, so the latest model of comparable price. At least, when I did replacements with a electronics insurance subcontractor, that's what we did. At least, try and demand LKQ when you get a replacement.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 6:16 p.m.  

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