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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, July 30, 2007

Computer woow's

Ok in im gonna be harder to get a hold of for a while. No WoW or any other games for a while either. Teletran-1 is sick.

I have been having a bit of trouble with my computer for a few weeks. I have been trying to back up my data while i could. So here is the 411. First i was havening problems with uTorrent. When I tried to do long day downloads the torrent would fail after a while and my computer would lock up. This progressed to trying to read video files, when i tried to use windows media player my computer would begin slowing to a halt for no apparent reason. the CPU was not being over taxed and I had lots of free memory. Other programs like Media player Classic and winamp where still ok. Next My computer started freezing up when ever I left it running idle for 15 min or more. As long as I was using it, no problems but if I let it sit it would freez. Sometimes the crash was followed by the blue scree of death, the really nasty one XP has with the message "A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer" followed my the core memory dump. Occationaly i would see a small error message about a failure to write to the hard drive. Oh and when the computer automatically rebooted after a crash it wouldn't boot off the HD until i did a hard shutdown.

Now I started backing up my data a little before this point but I had almost filled my 300 gig and a DVD only holds 4.7 gigs. Thought i had time. About 5 days ago, last Thursday to be precise my computer started freezing on the boot up. It would get to the login screen but when i typed in my PWD it would go to log me in and freeze during the log in process. Needless to say no more data is being backed up. So what is wrong? My first impression was that windows had some kind of horrible corruption in it, unknown virus ect... I can just see all my Mac loving friends commenting on that one. Now however I am beginning to believe it's a hardware issue. If we look at the 7 most common signs of hard drive failure we see several of my signs present.

I Have done a memory test using Memtest86 located on my Kubuntu live CD. Strangely enough Kubuntu will not boot up. If there was a HD problem it may be getting stuck on the HD detection and mounting part. I booted using an old version of Knoppix but i could not seed my HD. That is either a sure sign it's failing or the fact that it's an old version of Knoppix and does not have support for my SATA controller or NTFS. So I am downloading a new version of Knoppix and A new version of Kubuntu as well as this cool system matinance tool called the Ultimate Bood CD that has a lot of diagnosis programs on it.

I hate havening to diagnose these problems. It's not like a car where it's more obvious what's wrong. It would be a power supply issue, motherboard, SATA controller. Im pretty sure it's not processor based or memory as mem test would have shown that. I am borrowing an old HD from the lab and im gonna start trying to track down HD problems. Here is hoping It still works enough from me to rescue some of my data. I have a lot of pictures on there from my first year with Geneva that are not saved. Hope she has them too.


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