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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, July 16, 2007

More than Meets the Eye

Here is the problem with most movies based on my childhoods favorite characters. I have a great deal of difficulty dealing with the changes made when produced in movie form. They leave out things i think should be there (tom bombadil) or change characters from the way there where in the comic/cartoon/book (rogue). This generally takes away my enjoyment of the film. Probably one of the reasons i never liked the Lord of the Ring movies. The books are ingrained my my mind so strongly that i can't accept the movie for what it is. It's funny but I don't really have this problem with bad movie physics, I can usually ignore it unless it's so grossly horrible that it's simply imposable to accept what's going on (Wild Wild West). As long as it's set in a futuristic enough setting i can usually accept that science will find a way. Maby my job as a Physicist helps this along as i have seen amazing discoveries that would look like science fiction 100 years ago and understand that they are perfectly reasonable. When they use the term inertial dampeners in star trek i can say, ya ill buy that.

All that being said the live action transformers movie is Awesome. It's sheer awesomeness makes me want to cry at times. It was not my childhood cartoon. There where similarities but there where a lot more differences. i found that i had no problem ignoring all preconceptions about what the transformers where. Im not entirely sure why but however Michael Bay decided to do things there was just enough old transformers lore to make it transformers but not enough to trigger my internal defense responses. Megaton was not a gun but i did not care, in fact he was closer to his modified state Galvatron from later in the series and is transformed state looked an awefull lot like Cycloneus so I was satisfied. They used the same voice actor for Optimus Prime and although all the Autobots and Decepticons where different cars their personalities where very similar and i found myself really likening them. There where little links to the old series throughout and although starscreem was not treacherous and self absorbed his berating by megaton was eerily reminiscent of the series. From the beginning of the movie you just know there is going to be a final battle between Megaton and Prime and i was waiting for one line hopeing that he had the sense to put it in. Oh it was there but you will need to see the movie to know what I mean.

Tranformers.....See it or or you are not worthy to be reading this.

On a second small note. the comp virus turned 25 today. If you think for a second you may realize this is before the first IBM came out. Yes that's right they very first computer virus was for a Mac.
Elk Cloner, which spread between Apple II computers via infected floppy disks, has the dubious distinction of the first computer virus1 to spread in the wild. The malware is thought to be the work of Rich Skrenta, a 15-year-old high school student from Pittsburgh, who released it in July 1982.

-- http://www.theregister.com/2007/07/13/virus_silver_jubilee/
Take that Space Cyote


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