Ah land of of straightness.
Ok so that's a little expected all the flat jokes and all. Can see you dog run away for a week and all that crap. Ya i thought that too and my first trip along the trans canaga did nothing to disuade that opinion. When we went to a camp ground reportede to be "well treed" only to find that ment there was a tree every 3 camp sites or so. Go north and there are a lot fo trees and a river. Just look at the view from my window at the university.

OK so i did not bring my camera connector to uplaoad my pics but ill do it as soon as i get home
So im at a physics conference, the physics conference. The Canadian Assosiation of Physicists Annual Congress. This is the first year I have given a talk. Very nervous going up to it. I must have practiced it 6 times the night before and 3 times just before. We I gave it, I was awesome, relaxed, all the words came out smoothly and even better than when i praceiced. When i first tried it i had 12 slides and it took 17 min. Im only allowed 12 min but with a little practice i was able to fit the time.
This year the conferenced had a special section on community outreach. Jay ingram of the discovery channel gave an invited talk and it was very good. As physicists we have a disconect with the average person. All physicists have experenced the situation at a party.
"what to do you do?"
"Oh me im doing my PhD in physics"
"Wow that must be hard, it sure is raining a lot today when do you think it will stop"
What is it about science, physics in particular that scars people off so much. People don't realize how interested they really are in physics. so many questions people ask that are actualy physics without knowing it. The session was all about communicating better, getting people intersted and trying to invoke a sense of curiosity about their world. There was anothe message too a much more inportant one now that a special "museam" has sprouted up, and if you think canada is any better think again. How do we teach people how to see the difference between real science an phudo-science or as i like to call it "bullshit". We are sorrounded by bullshit. evey time we turn on the TV, evey time we pick up the news paper, every time someone ask us our sign. It's astounding but only 15% of people can understand a scince article in the new york times, now this the the times we are talking about not Science or Nature. But, at the same time 50% of people beleive that the earth is only 10 000 years old. Now what ever your stance on religion that statement is compleat and utter bullshit. There is not a single credable scientist in the world who beleives that statement and a great many scientst do in fact beleive in god. There is countless eveidance showing the true age of the earth (around 4.5 billion years) and not a single peice of proof to the contrary but people tend to beleive what they want to beleive.
Scientists are just as guilty. we all want to see some important effect in our data no matter how remote the possability it's there. This is why we are trained to look at things objectively, to question even ourselves. This is why we have peer review, and reproducability. before somethink like evolution is accepted as FACT! it is tested, retested, reviewed and not untill everyone is in aggreeement is it made a theory. Scientists love proveing other scientists wrong so when something passes all these tests you can best beleive it's true.
anyway that's all i have to say about that for now. I took notes and I may poast some interesting facts but if your reading this then im probably already preaching to the converted. An interesting thing pointed out is that termonology is differen for a scientist and a lay person. Just read this and you may see why so many people may question the Theory of Evolution.
p.s. as i am writing this at a confernce i dont have access to my spell checker that and the fact that i just returned from a banquet with a conciderable ammount of drinking my result in the degredation of this article in relation to previous work. No growndhogs where hurt in the makeing of this blog.
Ok so that's a little expected all the flat jokes and all. Can see you dog run away for a week and all that crap. Ya i thought that too and my first trip along the trans canaga did nothing to disuade that opinion. When we went to a camp ground reportede to be "well treed" only to find that ment there was a tree every 3 camp sites or so. Go north and there are a lot fo trees and a river. Just look at the view from my window at the university.

OK so i did not bring my camera connector to uplaoad my pics but ill do it as soon as i get home
So im at a physics conference, the physics conference. The Canadian Assosiation of Physicists Annual Congress. This is the first year I have given a talk. Very nervous going up to it. I must have practiced it 6 times the night before and 3 times just before. We I gave it, I was awesome, relaxed, all the words came out smoothly and even better than when i praceiced. When i first tried it i had 12 slides and it took 17 min. Im only allowed 12 min but with a little practice i was able to fit the time.
This year the conferenced had a special section on community outreach. Jay ingram of the discovery channel gave an invited talk and it was very good. As physicists we have a disconect with the average person. All physicists have experenced the situation at a party.
"what to do you do?"
"Oh me im doing my PhD in physics"
"Wow that must be hard, it sure is raining a lot today when do you think it will stop"
What is it about science, physics in particular that scars people off so much. People don't realize how interested they really are in physics. so many questions people ask that are actualy physics without knowing it. The session was all about communicating better, getting people intersted and trying to invoke a sense of curiosity about their world. There was anothe message too a much more inportant one now that a special "museam" has sprouted up, and if you think canada is any better think again. How do we teach people how to see the difference between real science an phudo-science or as i like to call it "bullshit". We are sorrounded by bullshit. evey time we turn on the TV, evey time we pick up the news paper, every time someone ask us our sign. It's astounding but only 15% of people can understand a scince article in the new york times, now this the the times we are talking about not Science or Nature. But, at the same time 50% of people beleive that the earth is only 10 000 years old. Now what ever your stance on religion that statement is compleat and utter bullshit. There is not a single credable scientist in the world who beleives that statement and a great many scientst do in fact beleive in god. There is countless eveidance showing the true age of the earth (around 4.5 billion years) and not a single peice of proof to the contrary but people tend to beleive what they want to beleive.
Scientists are just as guilty. we all want to see some important effect in our data no matter how remote the possability it's there. This is why we are trained to look at things objectively, to question even ourselves. This is why we have peer review, and reproducability. before somethink like evolution is accepted as FACT! it is tested, retested, reviewed and not untill everyone is in aggreeement is it made a theory. Scientists love proveing other scientists wrong so when something passes all these tests you can best beleive it's true.
anyway that's all i have to say about that for now. I took notes and I may poast some interesting facts but if your reading this then im probably already preaching to the converted. An interesting thing pointed out is that termonology is differen for a scientist and a lay person. Just read this and you may see why so many people may question the Theory of Evolution.
p.s. as i am writing this at a confernce i dont have access to my spell checker that and the fact that i just returned from a banquet with a conciderable ammount of drinking my result in the degredation of this article in relation to previous work. No growndhogs where hurt in the makeing of this blog.