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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Here, There and Everywhere

Ah it's been so long. My blog has really become stagnant. Im not sure anyone even comes to read it anymore or bothers trying that is. No excuses, i just havent been spending time to update, weather it's late night WoW sessions or other persuites.

anyway im off to a conference i may write something about my wii from there. Going to try to get back in the habit.


  • I'm reading! Have a great time at CAP!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:34 p.m.  

  • I was wondering when you were going to post again! Have fun at cap, and let's hear it about the Wii.

    By Blogger frank, at 2:26 a.m.  

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