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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dinnerware That Will Give You That Healthy Glow

Many times in the past we have seen products come out on the market that where thought to be safe only to later be revealed as extremely dangerous. Products such as DDT, Lawn Darts, and the Aqua Assault RoboFighters. Well it is my duty to inform you of another threat that could be in your house right now as you read this. Your grandparents Antiqueing trips are more dangerous that you realize and that danger is Fiestaware.

Oh but you say "It looks so pretty." Well so do exploding teddy bears. How do you think they get those nice vibrant, orange, red and yellow colours well the answer is Uranium oxide in the Glaze. Yes it is true during the from 1930 to 1970 uranium was a component of many pieces of glassware and pottery, it gives a nice colour. There was a short time in the early 40's where they stopped using uranium due to war time restrictions. Information on how you can protect yourself can be found here and There. But for now stick to using your nice safe Leaded Glass.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Super Terrific Weekend

Well my blog has been neglected lately mostly due to World of Warcraft. A lot has happened in the last month, too much to really fill you in on so let’s talk about this weekend. For Christmas I got my girlfriend a nice romantic weekend trip to Point-no-Point resort, this weekend to be precise.

The resort is a beautiful place, a large chunk of land located on Vancouver island in the Juan de Fuca straight. It consists of a series of cabins located along the top of a cliff face. There suites available each a bit different. We stayed in the House by the sea, part of a fourplex. The suite was beautiful and very privet, more so than you may think with 3 other suites in the house. The balcony had a double privacy wall and the upstairs suites are offset so that the people are not right above you but actually above and behind. The only other guests we saw the entire weekend where a couple we passed on the hiking trails.

There is a large peninsula that juts out into the ocean with hiking trails all around it and a little island at the point. There are several beaches and a nice beach house with a fire pit for relaxing evenings. Our suite had a fully stocked kitchen a wood stove and a Jacuzzi tub out on the deck facing the ocean, very nice. I will post pictures on my web site of the cabin and surroundings later in the day.

Unfortunately it seems that I caught a bit of a cold while on this nice trip and now im sick at home for the day. Luckily the symptoms did not appear until the trip home. I would like to think I managed to fight it off that long through shear force of will.

In conclusion here is a picture of geneva as she is about to be soaked.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lowest Price Guaranteed

While at home during Christmas vacation my girlfriend got a web camera. I had not though much about web cameras before but being able to see her while talking to her was very nice and it made me think briefly about getting one myself. She had all these special effects for it that allowed her to look like she had a crown or eye patch on. It tracked her head and overlayed the effect and I though this was quite cool.

Fast forward 10 days, I had just got back from Ontario and I wanted to get a Nintendo Wii. Two things where conspiring against me at this point. First I was not the only person to get money for Christmas and second I wanted to wait until I flew back to Vancouver to purchase one. There are non left in the city for sale but while I was at Futureshop getting DDR Supernova (my #2 alternative to the Wii), I also picked up a web cam. I was not thinking, It must have been the jet lag because I never buy computer hardware without researching it first and I never buy it from Futureshop because in general it is expensive and low quality. Both of these things came back to bite me in the ass.

After installing my web cam I noticed the quality was not what I expected from seeing Geneva’s. Also I could not find the cool effects she had used. I knew she had a Logitech and so did I but I just put it off to ask her in the morning. I played some WOW that night and talked a bit with a guild mate about the Logitech G15 gaming keyboard I saw at Futureshop. I have wanted to upgrade my keyboard for a while as it is very very old and dirty but at $129 I just can’t justify it. Don’t worry this will all make sense soon.

Talking to Geneva the next day revealed the source of my annoyance. Apparently the cool video effects are not compatible with all web cams just the high end ones with good enough picture quality to make out your head. I bought the Communicate STX for $78 and thought that would be good enough but no the cheapest model that supports the effects is the pro 5000 which is $135, it has glass optics and I guess some other bonuses. Geneva has the Fusion which is one designed for a laptop and it’s good enough but mine is not. I thought damn that is expensive for a webcam and it brought me back to the G15 conversation I had in WOW, you see it’s cheaper at best buy when ordered online so I checked out Best Buy and found my new web cam on sale for $29, a $49 dollar savings. Well I had a few choice words I will not put down incase my mom reads this but let’s say I was annoyed...........Until I noticed a little hyperlink on the web page, “Lowest Price Guarantee.” Best buy will beat any advertised price by 10%, I turns out Futureshop has that same guarantee and will refund the difference in prices to me. Yaaaa!

But wait there is more. I normally buy my computer equipment at NCIX, they generally have to lowest prices, so I checked them out. The Communicator STX was normally $55 there, god damn futureshop and it’s retarded markups. But even better the Logitech Pro 5000, the next level up, the one with the video effects and nice lenses was only $85 at NCIX. Think about that, 135 at futureshop 85 at ncix, $50 difference for a web cam, WTF. With the extra 10% savings I could basically upgrade for free just by taking a copy of their price into Futureshop. Now back to the G15 gaming keyboard, remember the $130 price tag at Futureshop well it’s $87 at NCIX so guess what else I bought. I returned my web cam, bought the new one and the G15. If I had purchased these at normal price they would have cost me $263.98 at Futureshop and $172.07 at NCIX. I was able to get them for $154.86 + tax with the lowest price guarantee. Learn from my mistakes. Always research what you are going to buy and Always abuse low price guarantee from stupid stores.

Say Cheese!!!