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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, November 06, 2006

Saved by shortsightedness

I was out and about on Sunday and I though I would stop by the local future shop and check out the deals available, specifically Never Winter Nights 2 (NWN2). Anyone who has played the first game knows how awesome it was and from reviews I expected the same from the new one. Now im at a point right now where I am extramly busy with work so I really can’t afford to be playing a new game but I though “Hey ill put it by my computer as an incentive to get all my work done so I can install it in a week or 2." We all say that and how may of us really mean it, I was no exception. It was all a farce to make myself feel better, I knew I would break down and install it when I got home “just to see the character creation” and then that’s it for the rest of the day, all the things I needed to get done would go unfinished. Lucky for me obsidian has a bunch of morons in their marketing department and unanticipated how kick ass their game was. I call it world of warcraft syndrome. 100 copies sold out the day it was released at the Futureshop location I went to. That’s it sold out in 1 day. So thanks to those bas...... I’m going to get my work done and have to make a new trip next week when they get there next order in.

On a side note Concerned has ended it’s comic run. If you don’t know about this comic it is a take on half life from the point of view or Gordon Frohman a character put in the HL world. He was only running the comic through the plot of half life 2 and now it’s done. I'm gonna miss it, great comic.


  • I am pretty sure they let the first batch run out so they can sell the game at a higher price.

    By Blogger frank, at 10:57 a.m.  

  • the people who came up with that marketing plan should be stripped naked and thrown in a pit of fire ants.

    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 11:09 a.m.  

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