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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Corn, It's What's for dinner !!!

I have been putting off writing a blog entry while on vacation, I just haven had time to sit down and writ something but I have decided to put something up today.

I have been enjoying myself visiting old friends here and their. One of the things I have discovered is that a lor more people read this blog than I initially though. One of the reasons I have been slow on writing blog entries is that I have been assuming only a few people read them but a lot of my old friends don’t seem to leave comments. Well I say this every 6 months but this time I may passably even mean it. I will try to update a bit more.

Well what to say today them. How about a comment on food west vs east. By that I mean Ontario vs BC. There is a lot to say here. I could comment on how may ethnic restaurants are in Vancouver so that I I can have Sushi whenever and where ever I want It as opposed to Ontario where I have to travel to another city to find a good Sushi place. But don’t you know when Im craving Spicy Chicken I cant find a Damn Wendy’s any where close to where I live In BC.

But I won’t instead let us talk of Corn and Cheese. First off Corn. I miss fresh corn when in BC as the stuff that we get there is expensive and bland. You have to
understand I Grew up surrounded by farms. Fresh produce, especially Corn and Apples is something I have taken for granted because in Vancouver almost everything is shipped in from far away, If we are lucky we can get Okanagan produce which is quite good but it’s not picked that day like I used to get. Well Im happy to say that since I have been home I have been eating Corn on the Cob at 4 of every 5 dinners and I still can’t get enough of it. I just wish I could put a bunch in my luggage but It does not look very feasible.

But what about cheese, you see cheese is my favourite food. When I was in undergrad I used to eat a block of cheese a week. You know the ones that are like a foot long. Well in Ontario on a good day you can get one for $4 to $5 and as high as $6 on a and day. In BC the Cheapest I can find it for is $9 and it is usually closer to $12. Why is this? Well if you turn over your freshly purchased block of BC cheese you find it was actually made in Belleville Ontario. So BC get’s it’s cheese from Ontario, no wonder it’s so damn expensive. What the hell are they doing in Alberta with all those cows, are you telling me there are no dairies. Are they seriously all beef cows, that’s a hell of a lot of steak.

Oh well I have slowly been leaning my self off of cheese and am replacing it with raw fish. It’s the proper west coast thing to do.

P.S. Geneva sent me this, it’s good stuff.


  • You think Ontario to BC is bad, try this on for size:

    In the UK, there are no... soda crackers, normal salad dressing, light soya sauce, sweet hot chocolate (what they have is more like pure cocoa powder), sour cream, condensed soup (well, almost none), fresh corn (although they do import frozen stuff from canada), and onion soup.

    How do they survive? Well, they do have: Cheap chocolate, cheap alcohol, Yazoo (flavored milk) and pubs.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:32 p.m.  

  • You'd think that with the large non-resident student population there would be more of these near you. Oh well.


    What we lose in cheap cheese and fresh corn we make up for with the ability to go from mountain to beach in the same day.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:42 p.m.  

  • Crikey, didn't realise the link wouldn't automatically word-wrap. Sorry for the h-scroll...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:44 p.m.  

  • The mountains are a blessing and a curse. They provide recreation, great views and a convenient way to tell north. However, the clouds coming in from the Pacific are fenced in by the mountain range, and the sea breeze keeps us just above freezing in the winter, so we get a lot of precip, but little of it becomes snow.

    I suppose if you grow up with the rain you become immune to it...
    "Oh no, it's raining."
    "Really? I haddn't noticed."
    "But... you're holding an umbrella."
    "Huh, I guess I am. Must be some sort of reflex."

    Having multiple traffic options is hard for a city full of bridges. If you want to get somewhere, you take the bridge. If you don't like it, buy a boat (because, as you put it, boating is no big deal) :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:25 p.m.  

  • There are no wendy's in England either... What I REALLY miss is Tim Hortons and Swiss Chalet... although there is a rumor in my department that there is a Tim Hortons on the M25 around London... Derek and I might just check this out for ourselves. :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:54 a.m.  

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