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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hero Worship

I seem to be much busy than I used too. A variety of factors have caused this. Research is picking up, 2 D&D groups, a girlfriend and nice weather all conspire to take away from my World of Warcraft time. Now im not complaining, I enjoy the time I spend on all those things, especially item 3, but as WOW is pay per month I find you simply can not casually game at it. So as of the end of my vacation I am quitting WOW.

So what is going to replace the void WOW will create. I had a free weekend of City of Heros. A game I once played because I won a free copy. Ah well unfortunately as cool as designing and playing your own super hero was, it is also subscription based. Here is a Photo of last time me and frank played. Im the Fire Image on the right and frank is Unicron on the left.

So now I need to get a new game. The choice are
-Elder Scrolls:Oblivion
-Civilisation 4
-Heros of Might and Magic 5
-Tomb raider legends

Not sure who the winner will be yet.


  • Hmmm, tough choice. Any one of those could suck up your time better than a hoover.
    I'd go for 'Heroes' myself, but then I'd play it for hours on end to exclusion of everything else. Which is why I don't own 'Heroes' or any game remotely like it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:53 a.m.  

  • TRL!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:10 a.m.  

  • I can get you a copy of Oblvion. It is a beautiful game, but so Are Civ4 and HOMM5. Maybe Oblivion would be a good call just to avoid the dangers of the "Just one more turn" limbo. Then again Civ4 & HOMM5 have multiplayer options :)

    By Blogger frank, at 10:51 a.m.  

  • Well the winner is

    Civ 4

    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 11:08 a.m.  

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