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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, August 28, 2006

It's Funny Cause I Don't Know Them

Japanese gaming has always been an interesting topic for discussion. My first glimpse of it was when a friend of mine came back from Japan and talked about all the strange stuff he saw. Actually the word different is better not strange. First was a train simulator game which seemed to be very popular in which you played the role of an engineer. I can't see there being more than 3 controlls, forward, backward and brake. Really what would you do in it. I hope it's not real time like that Pen and Teller video game where you drive from Tuscon to Las Vegas for 8 h in real time. Oh you think that would be easy Except the bus veers slightly to the right so you need to be ever vigilant.

Anyway, after that he pulled out a large pad with 4 arrows on in and proceeded to load up a game on his Japanese play station. To my amazement a dancing may appeared on the screen and thus my fascination with DDR was borne. Since then we have seen guitar, drum, keyboard and other simulation games slowly make their way across the pond for our enjoyment and I have to admit they are some of my favorite games, they are just so different from the same old crap I had played for the last 10 years.

But actually this rant was started with a new Japanese Game show clip someone at work showed me not the discovery of a new game. I'm sure may of you remember Banzai the betting game with Shaking hands man. And, most of you have probably seen Most Extreme Elimination Challenge. With the birth of YouTube and similar sights we can now see into the world of Japanese TV not released into American/Canadian audiences. Erwin has already discussed this Japanese version of Myth busters that is quite entertaining.

Well here is a show called tongue twister you might enjoy.

If you have links to funny Japanese TV post it in my comments section.


  • Hunh. 'Tongue twister game' eh? Sounds like fun. I'm good at tongue twisters... hey what's this spring loaded thing between my legs? Wait a minute... this is one of those 'getting hit in the nuts' games isn't it.

    By Blogger Derek, at 2:49 a.m.  

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