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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Bubble Bobble

Ok so if I look back at one of the most rememerable games of my childhood it would have to be Bubble Bobble. So simple a game idea yet so powerfull. capture enemies in bubbles and jump on them to kill them. Wash, rinse, repeat. Only 2 buttons, shoot and jump. it's all you need.

Video games today seem to have gotten lazy. In the last oh i would say 5 years there have been only a few truly unique games produced. Games used to be simple, they had to be dew to hardware limitations. So to make them interesting there had to be something strange or unique about them. A simple game like space taxi or the origional ghost busters where greate because ther was nothing like them. Now companies seem to just recycle the same FPS over and over again. Put it in a new time period, change the weapons and improve the graphics seem to be the motto of all the big companies right now. Games are becomeing big budget motion pictues. Lots of glitter and flash/special effects are used to cover up a rather uninteresting, ununique game.

There are a few bastions of truly innovative games out there and they come, like movies, from the independant sceen. Small start up companins or groups of friends that make a game truly unique. I think we all remember worms. A game that is getting a lot of attention, and winning a lot of awards, is Darwinia. I have not had a chance to play this game but from what I have read it is impressing a lot of people. You can get the demo on Steam and soon buy the full version on Steam aswell. There are countless small independant games like Darwinia out there you just need to look for them. These are the people that give me faith that the next gen of games wount suck as much as the current gen.

Oh and if you want your Bubble Bobble fix Here you go.


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