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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

All Hail Timmies, God of all things Cafinated!!!

There are 2 things wrong with Vancouver

  1. not enough snow

  2. not enough Tim Hortons

I come from a small university in Ontario, Trent University to be precise for those of you who don't know. The last year I was there 4967 Undergrads where enrolled and we had 1 Tim Hortons on campus in addition to one just off campus. Frank, a good friend of mine went to Saint Mary's in Halifax which according to their web page has around 1000 students and according to Frank 3 Tim Hortons. So could somebody tell my why the hell when i come to UBC with an enrollment of 28,000 undergraduates and 6,400 graduate students there is not ! fucking Timmies on campus. WTF? I cant trip without accidentally falling face first into a stemming pile of Starbucks.

Well that has all changed as of this new term. We are now officially a Canadian university as we have our very own Tim Hortons. It is a small food court beside a resterant on campus. It only sells coffee and donuts and it is fabulous. All ready the line are our the door and that is with a fancy coffee shop next door sitting empty. My mournings are finally happy and I am beginning to feel at home. I am hoping once they start shutting down all the surrounding businesses dew to over crowding that they will smarten up and build a full store where i can get my Ham and Cheese sandwich combo I love so very much but until that happens this will do nicely.

Just a little slice of utopia in my day?


  • Hehe they had three Timmies on the SMU (Saint Mary's University) campus for about 1/2 a year just after they build the one in the library. After that one had finished they took the one out of teh SUB which left a second Timmies in the 1st floor of the main residence (which also held the telescope on the 22nd floor ... good combination that)

    SMU maybe has only 1000 or so full time students (although that sounds a bit small) but it boasts a lot of part time students since it is (apprently) a very good business school :)

    All hail to the Timmies at UBC, may it be blessed and bring us caffeine!

    By Blogger frank, at 9:18 p.m.  

  • If they had had one at UBC when I was there, I probably would have inflated like a balloon. I find doughnuts very hard to resist.....

    By Blogger carolynbee, at 2:53 p.m.  

  • Ummm...there IS a Tim's on campus...Main Mall and University Blvd, I believe.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 p.m.  

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