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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

E3 Being Brodcast Live

This year for the first time ever E3 is being broadcast live by MMORadio. They have teamed up with NCsoft, the complany that produced City of heros and Guild Wars, to bring the entire convention to the gaming public. Apparently the NC soft display has pyrotechnicks and girles in leather making out, man i wish i was there. It's about time the let the public know more, how can they make such a cool conference/expo and not let the general gaming public attend. It's lunacy. Every dedicated gamer in the world wants to be there.

I have recorded the stream of the first days broadcast in broken bits. Hoping to get tomorows broad cast as one big file. I can't listen all day but I want to, it will give me something to lsiten to in the car. They have a contest too. At the end of the day they ask you 4 question about some of the interviews given during the day. If you send them the answers you are entered into a draw to win one of 10 prizes each day. So that is 30 prizes over the 3 days of the expo. I entered today and plan to again over the next 2 days if possibel. You can win special edditons coppies of games, the chance to beta test city of villians or some other expo goodies. i figure ill have a good chance to win something.

Really if you think about it, it is an obvious advertising ploy . Lets pay to bring a popular internet radiostation to E3, they can interview us and to make sure people are listining we will throw a contest based on information contained in those interviews. Well i guess since they are paying to bring MMORadio to E3, giving them a place on the floor not stuck in the journalist area, and hooking them up with several hight speed connections for their streem the are intitled to a bit of product placement. There top level advertismetn execs where really on the ball when they tought up this idea.

Expect a Starwars Poast tomorow cause im taking the day off work to go. Sorry frank, ill go again when you get back.


  • MMORadio and E3 rock! Good idea out recording the show, I'll do that too. Too bad It's quite late at night here when they acutally go though the show ...

    By Blogger frank, at 11:52 p.m.  

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