Girl Gamers
So you have a problem, youlove video games but your girlfirend does not. How do you fix this problem. The answer is, Gateway games. For the average non gammer, our fixation is difficult to understand and even harder to describe. But there is a way to introduce intereste that special someone to an aspect of your world you may have kept hidden to that she did not understand. Shivam Bhatt ( i have no idea who he is ) has come up with a list of games to pull the average non-gamer into our world and it is aimed specificly at girls.
Check it out here. Top Ten Girlfriend-Friendly Games
I must say i am impressed with the thought put into this list. Now time to try it out.
Check it out here. Top Ten Girlfriend-Friendly Games
I must say i am impressed with the thought put into this list. Now time to try it out.
I've seen a couple of girls get addicted to The Sims ... it was kinda fun to see. I never understood what got people so addicted to that game. Is there a way to blow up your house? Cause that game needs more explosions.
Now about DDR, I need to find an arcade around here. I saw one in Tsukuba somewhere, but I have not made it back there since I got here. I want to check out those 1337 |)D|2 chixxors! They witll probably pwn me.
frank, at 3:32 p.m.
Well When my friends and i got into sims there where a coupel interesting things to do.
1. Invite neaibourghs over for pool party. While Children are in the pool remove the ladder. Children cant get out without the ladder. Comedy insues.
2. Wall off a sim. Watch him piss is pants, cry and starve to death.
3. In the sims 2. build a sim with low social skill. Give him a computer. My sim went to the computer first thing when i created him. Seriously I didn't tell him to do it. When sim gets lonly social bunny comes and cheers him up. It looks like something out of Donnie Darko.
As for DDR, Frank you shoul have practiced on kmy system before you left for japan.
Shawn Penson, at 1:53 p.m.
I must admit, I do love the Sims. You can really *&$% with their lives. I've done the walling up the Sim thing to get rid of a character I didn't liuke. And if you don't like the kid, don't let him/her go to school or study, and soon the little tyke will be shipped off to military school. If you don't let the Sim learn to cook, they can set the house and themselves on fire, which is a lot of fun. You can also get someone married to two or more people at once, and the other spouses start to fight with each other. Sometimes they even get in slapping matches. Woo hoo!
Um, yeah. I don't know why I like the Sims so much. I think I like the way you can just experiment and see what happens. There's a lot of free will with the characters, and they can really surprise you sometimes.
carolynbee, at 10:50 p.m.
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