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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Friday, April 08, 2005

It Finaly Happened

As i was comeing home from my latest Role playing adventure setting, with my tim hortons coffee comfortably resting in the drivers side cup holder, i perchanced to notice my petrollevels where dangerously low. Pulling into the first Petrocan i could see i noticed it was closed. Odd, i thought, it's only 11:30. continuing along the road i spotted a chevron on the left. knowing there was another petrocan around the corner i did not bother stopping but i did happent to nitice the price on the billboard $1.05 /L.

OMG, it's finaly happened, gas has passed a dollar a L. During the last fule war it had reached $0.999 but no one would dare pass the dollar mark. Lately gas stations have been up grading there signs to handel the extra diget so you knew it was comeing but that did not make it any more shocking when i saw it. I swear when i went to my friends at 7:00 it was still below a dollar so it must have happend some time between then and 11. I eventualy made it to the petrocan and was pleasently supprised when the price was only $0.985 (plus $0.035 petro card discount) While paying for my gas purchace i mentioned to the local attendent my observations down the street and he informed me that they would be raising there peices in a half hour aswell. I felt really lucky but even now i still wonder what caused the huge jump. nearly 7 cenus in a singal jump.

If thing continue as they are i will not be able to afford to gas my car. I guess if others feel the way i do this is a vicory for enviornmentalists everywhere and to be truthfull i am not mad at the higer prices. If they convince more people to take the bus i think it is a good thing. I only drive when nessessary, i take the bus quite often so i don't feel so bad about it.


  • Well I have to say that the Higher the gas the worse for me cause, It will eventually cost more than it is worth driving home as well as work(Taking the Buse to work will be a 1 1/2 hour trip for only a 20 min drive go figure. But answer me this Deisel fuel is a fuel that is not processed nearly as much as Gas yet the costs of it are now almost equal if not the same, Thats a cash grab if I ever saw 1.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:39 p.m.  

  • I agree, I remember when it was around 20 cenus less to buy deisel than gas. I don't know why it is so expensive. Luckaly we have 2 alternatives

    1. Biodeisel made from waste vegtable oil. They are doing research here at UBC and all our lawnmowers run on it.

    2. Ethanol. It is even cleaner than desil and many cars can run it. My truck can run on E85 which is 85% ethanol fule. I would use it if it was not for the fact that i have no idea where i can buy it.

    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 12:17 p.m.  

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