Franks Adventures in Japan
So my friend frank is heading off to Japan for two months to work at K2K. This is a nutrino experiment where they fire neutrinos many kilometers through the earth and detect them at the other end to figure out stuff about the standard model and how it's broken. He is blogging his adventure there and it sounds like it is going to be interesting.
You can find out more about his andventures here.
Ive always wanted to go to japan, i hope he has a good time. I immagine the DDR players there are truly astounding in there skill. I was looking up information on vending machiens the other day because we want to replace the machines in the colledge with our own. I found a site discussing all the strange things you can get in vending machines in Japan. Some of the normal things where pop and snackes. Then you got into things like Sake and beer, 12 kg bags of rice, deep fried food and porn. But i was truly shocked when i saw a picture of a vending machine selling used schoole girls panties. It is truly a culture where you can get away with the most odd things. Then again i am sure some of the things they see us doing are weird to them. Still, used panties.
Anyway, have fun frank and take lots of pictures
You can find out more about his andventures here.
Ive always wanted to go to japan, i hope he has a good time. I immagine the DDR players there are truly astounding in there skill. I was looking up information on vending machiens the other day because we want to replace the machines in the colledge with our own. I found a site discussing all the strange things you can get in vending machines in Japan. Some of the normal things where pop and snackes. Then you got into things like Sake and beer, 12 kg bags of rice, deep fried food and porn. But i was truly shocked when i saw a picture of a vending machine selling used schoole girls panties. It is truly a culture where you can get away with the most odd things. Then again i am sure some of the things they see us doing are weird to them. Still, used panties.
Anyway, have fun frank and take lots of pictures
Thanks for the link!
So far it's been fun, a lot of work too. I have not found vending machines selling porn, used underpants, or 12 kg pabs of rice jet. The rest we have within a 2 minute walk of the Dorm.
frank, at 2:28 a.m.
there seems to be somethign very wrong with the link. Ill have to fix it in a bit.
How are your language skills comeing. Able to communicate?
Shawn Penson, at 2:39 p.m.
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