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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, June 05, 2006

Night Market

Geneva and I went to the Richmond Night Market on Friday. For the benifit of my frinds back east, the Richmond Night market is a kind of huge Oriental Farmers/Flea market that runs on weekends at night. It was my first time there and I have to say I had a good time. There where tonns of stalls selling everything from thongs to practicle Katanas.

I picked up 3 Stephen Chow DVD,s for $20. For those of you who don't know, Stephen Chow is the Actor/Director of Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle. I watched the King of Comedy with Geneva on saturday and it was very funny but to my dismay when we attempted to watch Fight back to School, there where no english subtitles to be found even though It said there where right on the box. I have not checked out the 3rd move i purched yet, called All for the Winner, but it is supposed to be the one that made him famous.

My second purchace was 25 blank HP DVD-R's for $10. I decided to stay away from the cheep DVD's that cost $5 for 50 as I was a little skeptical about their quality. They came in a Foil Package marked DVD-R on the side with no brand marking what so ever. With media i beleive it's important to pay more than $0.10 a unit. I also picked up a 80 DVD wallet for $8.

Unfortunatly we decided to eat before we got there as there looked to be a lot of realy tasty food. Geneva is particularly enmored by any food that comes on a stick and there was a lot of food on sticks there to eat. We did grab some Candy called Dragons Beard. It was like a realy thick cotton candy but not that sweet and with a crubaly penut filling. Although it was nice to try someting new I don't think I will be buying that again.

Well My gole for next time is to stare at the swords some more, Buy more DVD's, eat more food and possable get a $11 USB multi card reader.


  • I concur, that candy was rather hard to eat. Perhaps if it came on a stick...

    One of my co-workers told me that we were supposed to barter at the night market. Maybe we can talk the price down on a Katana set for Shawn, eh?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:38 p.m.  

  • I say this as a friend: Please for the love of god, do NOT buy Shawn a set of Katanas! The last thing they need at UBC is another ninja.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:51 a.m.  

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