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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Farewell Frank

It’s been a while since my last entry. Lot’s of school work and other distraction I will talk about later. Now im free and it’s time to get blogging again.

This weekend I took Frank to Victoria to start his PhD and what better way to sent frank off then with a LAN party. I think at the highest count we had 8 people around gaming away. Luckily Warcraft 3 runs on Macs so we could have a tonne of people playing. 8 people on a tower defence map fighting off wave after wave of enemies. I think we made it to level 23, a personal best for that map, well the only time I played that map really. Here is a pic of our highlight planning session, with my new spiffy green laser pointer.

The trip to Victoria was nasty. We arrived at the ferry terminal an hour early and the boat was already booked full. Missed getting on the 1:00 by about 10 cars. So after playing Unreal Tournament in the ferry terminal for an hour and a half or so we where back in the truck and on our way to Victoria.

It’s a nice place but ill let frank write about it in his blog. For now ill just tell you about the scuba diving their. First off we dove Ogden Point Breakwater. It’s a giant wall that protects the cruise port. Because of the constant wave action it is full of life. Saw my first wolf eel and let me tell you they are huge. It’s head was almost as big as mine. Here is a picture, it’s a lot easier than describing it to you.

The second dive was at 10 mile point. It is a very nice wall full of life from the strong current that exists there. You can only dive it at slack tide and even then there was still quite a bit of current. Found an Octopus den and he was home. Unfortunately we could only see his eye but the picture is in my Album for that dive weekend.

More news to come soon. Have a nice day =:>


  • Cool pictures! They make me wish I knew how to dive.

    By Blogger carolynbee, at 11:31 a.m.  

  • That was an awsome weekend. Thanks to everybody who came out to the lan party! That was awsome. The dives were a load of fun, and I am really enjoyinig my new place. Loads of diving planned ... and I am gonna get started with sailing as soon as I find a weekend that is not packed to the brim with diving :D

    Ohh and thanks for driving me Shawn :)

    By Blogger frank, at 2:39 p.m.  

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