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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A new holiday for the guys

Ah the 14, grand day of commercialisim. A day where people in relationships get guilt tripped into doing a bit more for there significant others when if they are doingthings right it sould never be nessessary. A day when those not in relatonships get it thrown in their faces again and again.

You want me to get excited about it then show me this.


  • Hahaha. Damn it! I missed the suggested day, lemme see, 6 days ago. I will take a leaf off your blog for this suggestion. Though it's not like I haven't treated him to a "S & BJ" and extra "M" day before. And not cos of all the Valentine's day waffle. heh... We ain't no ordinary couple. Nope.

    (Wielder of Thursday's magic missiles, just passing by) who incidentally is very happy that Futurama is back! Last I heard though, it'll appear as four movies in DVD. Guess we'll see.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:16 p.m.  

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