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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Poast Kung Fu Musings

After returning to my room after another superb Tuesday kung fu movie i decided to open up Open Office and type up a blog entry on all that has been happening in the las couple of days. Now im a big fan of kung fu movies and i have found these tuesday showing to be quite enjoyable over the summer. It makes me want to get back into training again. One of the people I used to train with in Kingston has moved back to BC. He lives on the sunshine cost to be specific. I saw him down on Granville Island last time i was there. We exchanged emails and as usual it has been sitting in my wallet since then.

This is a recurring problem for me, i do things with the best of intentions but i always seem to forget and let them slip by me. It is one of the character flaws i have that bothers me. I try to keep in touch with people but communication always seems to break down if i don't see them every day. This is in party why i started my blog, to help keep in touch with my friends i don't see any more. Of course like usually i updated daily then bi-daily and now it is lucky if a week or 2 goes by when i write something. It's not that i don't want to say anything, i think about something during the day that would be a good entry but I either forget about it or don't have time to update. I of course tell myself this time ill try harder to update more often but it never happens. This lat weekend i wanted to phone a bunch of my old friends but it never happened again because i was busy and when i had time i just didn't think about it. Wanting to call home when im on top of a mountain after a 2h hike does not help unless i remember when i get home.

Oh well all i can to is try my best and with that in mind here is a short update to what is going on. I have been feeling a lot better lately. Some of you may know i was having some strange dizzy spells a while back that lasted 3 or 4 weeks. It started several days after my last dive but they seem to have gone away. I received the test results from my CT scan today and it seems everything is fine. The Doctors have know idea what was wrong with me, mabe a virus, mabe a small air embelisim, mabe stress, who knows but it is gone now and i feel great so im happy.

The Rovers have been planning an event we are calling the amazing rover race. Basically it's like the amazing race only around Vancouver and with rovers. 2 weekends ago I spend all Saturday checking our locations in Vancouver with the other rovers and planning the race route. We still have a few things to finalize but in a couple of weeks it will be ready for a test run. I'm looking froward to that.

On the VG front, i have gotten into a new game called City of Heros. It's a cool MMO where you play the role of a superhero and travel around Paragon city fighting crime. I have already created a fire throwing mage named Exiton and an Ex Wrestler turned Martial arts super hero named The Divine Hippie. It is very different from other RPG's i have played. The mechanics are so different i would need an entire post to explain it so just check out the site if you are interested.

Ill be coming home on the 22nd and i have lots of stuff to do. Of course there is Paul and Debbie's wedding which will take up much of my time but i also want to visit with my other friends and family. It is a bit shorter visit this summer, only 2 and a half weeks. I really cant take any more time off work this summer. Also as you know I frequently listen to MMORadio and 2 of the DJ's Psion and Lady Electrolyte live close to Brantford and they have invited me to visit while im in town so i hope to take a day and go say hi. It should be fun I talk to them frequently on line and it would be nice to meet them.

Well it's almost midnight and this post is already too long so I think that is it for now. I am really not sure how many people even read this blog any more as i don't get too many comments. At least it's a good way to vent. I should really send on an email to my old kung fu friend tomorrow.


  • Shawn, I can TOTALLY relate to that 'best of intentions' thing. I am also not the best on follow through and don't do the best job of keeping up communications with people I don't see regularly. I beat myself up about it a lot too, but you know, we're all human and we all can only do the best we can. I guess I also see it as sort of a character flaw in myself as well, something I continually struggle with and feel the need to work on. I still haven't really found a good way to come to terms with it, but we're all human. We will all be always somewhat flawed. And in terms of flaws, it's pretty common and it isn't a really horrible flaw to have.

    A really horrible flaw would be like keeping human heads in the freezer or something. And I don't mean for legitimate research.

    By Blogger carolynbee, at 1:28 p.m.  

  • I suffer from the same 'character flaw' as Carolyn and You. For example I have lost all contact with my friends from Germany. Last I heard from them was more then 5 years ago ... I think it is mostly a result of living a busy life as well as having some (local) social life.
    Well, as long as the other person does not have way too much time to spare or some kind of obsessive disorder I can only hope that they understand (if not have the same problem). But after all they are not calling/contacting you either are they? Well that is at least what I keep telling myself not to feel bad about my problems on keeping in touch with people.

    By Blogger frank, at 6:30 p.m.  

  • On a second though, City of Heroes (CoH) is awesome ... now I have some real trouble making up my mind between CoH and World of Warcraft (WoW). But WoW is a good way to keep in touch with my friends back in Halifax o.O

    By Blogger frank, at 6:32 p.m.  

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