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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

MMORadio is off the Air!

Ok just so you know it is now 4:00 in the morning. I was finishing up a book so i would not have to bring it home on the plane friday when uppon compleation I had some difficulty sleeping. I thought I would jump onto the internet and brows soem webcomic/fourms to pass the time till I was tired and what do i come across but an email from a friend of mine explaining that MMORadio is off the air. naturaly i thoght she was pulling my leg when i stumbled across this.

Well, as you may have noticed, MMORadio has stopped broadcasting. Due to a variety, of technical, financial, and personnel issues... we can no longer continue to broadcast. On behalf of everyone that worked so very hard on making MMORadio the #1 Gaming radio station... I would like to thank you, the listeners, for becoming a part of our lives, and allowing us into yours. I tip my hat to everyone that has made this station what it was. We won't forget. And... on behalf of Radiowave and myself, we will miss each and every one of you. So... keep rockin' boys and girls.
Im not sure what really happened but if they where in trouble then they sure did keep it a good secret because i would never have guess that today would be there last day. I was fairly busy all day so i never tuned in. MMORadio has been pretty much the only radio station i have lisened to for the past 8 months or so, it was just so damn good everything else was compleate crap and unworty of my time.

Not sure what I will lisent too now, my own music I guess but it doesn't have all the personality the DJ's and listiners brough to the station.

Ok and update on the MMORadio story. Apparently form what I understand is there have been problems with money and hoasting as well as some of the rules the DJ's where forced to follow. Then the GM's in charge of the station sent out an email and immedeatly half of the DJ's quit. They have arranged to stay on air but many of the good DJ's are gone. We will see how well the station sruvives.


  • We've got a fairly decent independent radio station going out here. No gamers, but good music and pretty cool DJs, plus a genuinely funny morning show. If you think you might want to check it out, you can listen online from here: http://www.theedge1039.com/index.php

    By Blogger carolynbee, at 5:29 p.m.  

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