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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, June 27, 2005

It really is the Water of Life

Any one who knows me knows my love of a fine Scotch Whiskey. My favorite brand is Cardhu. It is a smooth, sweet, mellow whisky whith only a hint of peat. It's mild flavor is what indeers me to it although i do enjoy a stronger tasting whisky on occation. Well a while back Cardhu came under a little heat for a stunt they pulled that pissed off a lot of people.

Anyone who enjoys whisky will tell you that a single malt is generaly superior to a blended whisky. Blends where designed to combine a number of malt and grain whiskies in such a way that the resulting drink is more than the sum of its parts. By mixing a bunch of malts together you can produce a prodect that is consistant from year to year and indeed there are many blends that are not bad and very popular, you only have to look to Jonny Walker to see that, a principal constituent of which is Carchu. In the end blends are cheeper than the same quality of single malt dew to the addition of less distinctive malts. Much of the enjoyment of scotch comes from the distinctivness of each malt, the grain used, the peat used to dry it, the water source, all of which can be lost in a blend. As one of my friends liks to put it is amazing how easy it is to fool people with blended whiskys. What would you do if someone offered you a fine wine blended from 25 of the best wines in france.

The porblem occured because Cardhu is so approchable as a whisky. It became very popular, especially in places like Jamaca, so popular that the distillary began to run out of stock. Unlike many drinks , it takes 12 years to make Cardhu so if you run out you can make any more. I guess 12 years ago people did not expect this level of popularity. To keep up with demand Chardu make a new blended whisky they called a Pure Mault insted of Single malt. The porblem was that they where marketing it as if it was a single malt. There is a lot of money tied up in Scotch, it is the most expensive dink in the world so there is a lot at stake. Misrepresenting a vatted malt (blend made from malt grains without any other grains added) as a single malt may not seem like such a horrible thin but it could do serious damage to the industry. Full Story Here

Any way i have kind of gotten off topic. What I intended to discuss was an article I found online. Apparently Scotch has the same chemical found in red wine that fights cancer but in larger ammounts. This led to the headline:

Cure Cancer With Single Malt Whisky So Says Whiskey Consulant

So I will continue to drink my favorite drink secure in the knowledge that I am helping to heal my body in the process. BWT, The Cardhu I own, A wonderfull birdtay presand from some of my close friends, is the single malt variety and it still tastes good even though it's a couple of years older now =:>


  • Unfortunately, I've got way too much Scottish and Irish blood in me to be able to enjoy whiskey. It makes me want to fight people. And when you're a 5'2" redhead, that's just, like, too much of a confirmation of a stereotype to be allowed to happen. Plus it's generally a bad idea unless you're playing a role playing game and it's just your character who's the 5'2" redhead and wants to fight.... :D

    By Blogger carolynbee, at 1:32 p.m.  

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