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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, November 22, 2004

Greatest Canadian

Allright, so unless youve been living under a rock you have heard of the greatest canadian competition that CBC has been doing. So as of nov 17 here are the standings

1 Tommy Douglas
2 Terry Fox
3 Sir Frederick Banting
4 Pierre Elliott Trudeau
5 Don Cherry
6 Lester B. Pearson
7 David Suzuki
8 Sir John A. Macdonald
9 Wayne Gretzky
10 Alexander Graham Bell

Now i am a fan of Wayne Gretzky, in fact im from his home town (Brantford, Ontario). But im sorry just don't understand why he is in the top 10, ousting people like Margret Atwood and others. Don Cherry, that's even worse. He is an entertaining guy but im sorry he is not one of the greatest canadians to have ever lived, and he certenly should not be beating Sir John A. Macdonald, founder of our nation.

The Britts where the first to do this type of show and they picked Winston Churchill. They had thousands of years of history to choose from. Great people like Isac Newton and william Shakespear. Denmark did a similar show and pickded a rightwinged isolationist who was murderd 2 years ago. It generally seems to be a popularity contest.

Greatest Canadian


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