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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Now I don't know what to beleive in?

It's funny, growing up in canada gives us an interesting perspective on americans. Our two coutries have been very much entwined throughtout history yet to make a generalization, they are very different than us. I have grown up exposed to the steriotypes of americans being self centered, gun totting, right wing lunatics with no concept morality. But, as i have grown and traveled i have met many americans, many who i call friends, and none of them fit the above description. They where all very nice, intellegent, somewhat attractive people who have enriched my life in many ways. And just as I am beginning to think that maby they arnt so different from us canucks they go and do something stupid like re-electing george bush.

By last count there are 58 729 646 stupid americans. This of course dose not include nonvoters so there may be more. Have all the peopel I have meat been a minority of senseble people trapped in a senseless country. Is it really possible that people can't see through Bush's propoganda and view the truth of their country? Are all the other countries in the world who overwhelmingly wanted bush gone wrong? Is it possible that a person can really not give a dam about anbody else but themselves? I no longer know the answers to these questions. All i can say is we all better prepare for 4 more years of hell because now that bush does not have to worry about being re-elected there is no telling what is going to happen next. I predict the removal of a womans right to vote and the return of slavery. What the hell we havent had a good crusade in the last thousand years or so.

To any of my frinds or the other good ameriacans out there that i may have offended with my words i am sorry. I was driven to write this out of a sense of fear and helplessness. Good luck and remember we are here to help.


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