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Teletran-1 : Captains Log Suplimental

Monday, November 15, 2004

Fu#$ Windows

So Half Life 2 is coming out in a few days and i can be more pissed off. What, you say, it can't be so. Well the problem is not with calflife, its with my computer, presumably the windows XP operating system on it. So for a while now i have been having some graphics troubles with first person shooters and other 3d rendered games. UT 2004, Jediknight outcast, Rainbow Six 3......ect but not games like warcraft 3 or starcraft or generals, some of which are also 3d rendered. Basicly the textrues are repeatedly disapearing and reappearing. walls and objects flash in and out of existance. Sometimes the game freezes for up to 10 seconds and then continues on as normal, still with texture glitches. On rare occations when the game starts working again the floor or the models have all disapeared or turned invisable is a better description.

Stepts to fix problem:
  1. I first touhgt it was driver problem but no i have the newest driver.
  2. Then i thought windows had a glitch. i had been running for almost a year without a reinstall so i formatted and started from scratch. That did not work either.
  3. so i had installed some new ram recently, the nvidia web site sait theat may be the culperit. I downloaded some memory testing software and it found no problems.
  4. NVIDIA says i sould test my CPU, havent done that yet but i dont expect that to be the culperate.
  5. so now i am left with 3 possabilities. My video card is screwed, NVIDIA does not support the gForce 4 anymore or Windows Service Pack 2 (also installed around the same time as my new ram). You can guess which one i suspect.
If anyone has any ideas, here are my system specs
-AMD Athalon XP 2100+
-512 MB Ram (333 Mhz)
- NVIDIA gForce 4 MX 400
- Soundblaster Live 5.1
- Windows XP with Service pack 2 (not for much longer)


  • ok heres why frist of all did windows update download anything new if she that can be why but i think its ur geforce 4 it going out i had that with one of the pc and far more hl2 will not work at all with geforce 4 and get ride of sp2 and if u went more info e-mail me at aceflybye@gmail.com ull need a geforce fx 5200 or higher to run hl2 (and sp2 patch makes some games like city of heroes not work with the new drivers odd i know but its true so i would get ride of it and find on google sp1 and install it will worth it)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:52 a.m.  

  • ok heres why frist of all did windows update download anything new if she that can be why but i think its ur geforce 4 it going out i had that with one of the pc and far more hl2 will not work at all with geforce 4 and get ride of sp2 and if u went more info e-mail me at aceflybye@gmail.com ull need a geforce fx 5200 or higher to run hl2 (and sp2 patch makes some games like city of heroes not work with the new drivers odd i know but its true so i would get ride of it and find on google sp1 and install it will worth it)

    By Blogger Joshua binzley, at 10:53 a.m.  

  • sorry about the 2 post but one more thing sp2 will make ur game stop and go off and on it do with alot sp2 is ms newis will how do i say it *crap* work its i'm guessing sp2 i am almost sure it is infact i am sure this is same thing i had when i had it get ride of it its all with it if not you have my e-mail and il lhelp you out i used to work on the msn gaming zone as a memeber plus so i'm used to tech support

    By Blogger Joshua binzley, at 10:56 a.m.  

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    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 12:49 p.m.  

  • Thanks a lot, ill try out those fixes and see what happens. I am meaning to buy an new video card at christmas, or get one as a presant but i really want to play Half Life 2 asap. I will probably get a NVIDIA 5700 ultra or an ATI 9600 tx (i think i got those model numbers right).

    By Blogger Shawn Penson, at 12:51 p.m.  

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